Yacov/Jehuda/Jacob MENDELSOHN ( born abt. 1855 ) married Feiga BIRNBERG and settled in Carlibaba, Bukovina.. I believe Feiga BIRNBERG was born in Iacobeni. I do not know where Yacov was born but I believe it is somewhere in what was known as Wallachia.
Yacov MENDELSOHN's father was Fishel according to the gravestones of his children. I have found no records for Fishel or possible siblings of Yacov MENDELSOHN Feiga's parents were Yacov/Jankel BIRNBERG & Bessie BERLADC or BERLADZ. Feiga had the following siblings: Channa, Libbe & David. David married Sharlotta SEGAL. All but one of David's descendants was murdered in the Shoah. I have found no marriage records for Channa & Libbe so I do not know their fate. Yacov MENDELSOHN and Feiga BIRNBERG immigrated to Montreal in 1905 with 9 of their 12 children. The oldest 2 daughters immigrated in 1903. Another daughter, Sheindel, drowned in a river in the old country according to family stories. The first 2 to immigrate were Mary/Michla & Bessie who immigrated under the name of MENDELSOHN. The others immigrated under the name of WEINBERG/WEISSBERG. By the 1911 Montreal Census they were back to using the surname of MENDELSOHN. I am told by my father that they left in a hurry to avoid the draft. Paul/Pincus & Rose/Terezia were born in Rodna Veche, Bistrița-Năsăud, România. I have not found birth records for Mary/Michla, Bessie, Sarah, Esther, Sam/Schmuel, Annette, Bella, Felix/Philip, or Harry/Chaim. Here is a link to my Family Tree: http://jewishgenealogysurnameproject.com/melissas-family-trees/ |